Friday, January 8, 2010

Lentil Soup with Swiss Chard

8 cups chicken stock
1 1/2 cups brown lentils
1 bunch Swiss Chard
1/4 cup olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro (if you don't like cilantro, use Italian flatleaf parsley)
juice of 1 lemon
sea salt and pepper to taste

Place the lentils in a large saucepan, add the stock, and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for about 45 minutes.
Remove the thick stems from the Swiss chard and shred the leaves.  Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat and cook the onion and the garlic until transparent, 2 minutes or so.  Add the chard and toss, until wilted.  Stir the mixture into the lentils, add the lemon juice, salt, pepper, and cilantro.  Cover the pot and simmer on low for another 10 minutes.
This soup is delicious.  Any leftovers are great the next day or can be frozen.

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